35mm BW Film - FPP Super Positive Film (1 Roll)
1 Roll / 35mm / BW / 24 exp / iso 0.8 / Process BW
FPP Super Positive Info and Tips:
- Film will produce a BW positive when processed in standard BW chemistry
- Low contrast images
- A unique, different look (from traditional panchromatic BW films)
- An Orthochromatic (ortho) film. Ortho films can only see blue and green (outdoor) light. Reds are rendered darker and therefore create darker skin tones.
- Blue and green sensitivity enables the film to be handled using a red photographic safe-light and allows processing by inspection, meaning you can load and unload film onto your home development reels when using the safe-light
- Low ISO 0.8 - If you are not using a hand-held light meter, dial iso 25 into your camera's light meter. Once you expose for iso 25, open up your lens 5 f-stops (or lower shutter speed) for iso 0.8.
- Use this "cheat sheet" in broad daylight - 1/250th sec @ f1.4 - 1/125th sec @ f2 - 1/60th sec @ f2.8 - 1/30th sec @ f4 - 1/15th sec @ f5.6
- FPP Super Positive film is a Dactylographic film, traditionally used in the study of finger prints

- Analogue Wonderland video on FPP Super Positive film
- Analogue Resurgence video on FPP Super Positive film
Notes from FPP's Michael Raso - "When shooting such (an incredible!) low asa, I shoot in daylight with my lens fully open at about 1/10th or 1/15th sec. I highly recommend the Gossen Luna Pro F light meter. It dials down to iso 0.8."
Keep your film Light Tight! This film stock is subject to "light piping" when exposed to room light. Please load in dim light and store in a dark camera bag before and after shooting. If storing your film in fridge, freezer or home shelf, store in a light tight bag as well. What is light piping? Read our blog by Leslie Lazenby.
How to Process? Standard developers will work fine.
- FPP D96 > 68° Fahrenheit > 7 minutes
- Kodak D76 > 68° Fahrenheit > 6 minutes.
- Kodak Xtol (1+1) 14:00 @ 20C.
- Kodak Xtol stock, 68 degrees 8 minutes, 5/5 agitation
Send the film out? We recommend TheDarkroom.com