Darkroom Supplies - Kodak HC-110 BW Developer (1 Liter) - Please Read
We have replaced this item with our FPP-110 (1 Liter) HERE
KODAK PROFESSIONAL HC-110 Developer is a highly concentrated liquid developer. It is intended for use with a variety of black-and-white films, some graphic-arts films, and some glass plates.
We ship HC110 (liquid chemistry) to US and Canada only.
1 liquid bottle of HC-110 concentrate to make 16 liters. (FPP Reusable Syringe available separately to aid in diluting!)
If you are looking for a smaller container of HC-110, we recommend out in-house brand FPP 110 in our 8 oz size. Same quality as HC-110 in a smaller container!
Info on mixing and usage - http://imaging.kodakalaris.com/sites/prod/files/files/resources/j24.pdf
Leslie Lazenby's comments and tips on Kodak HC-110 -
"It comes supplied as a concentrate. Even though you can mix it to a stock solution further dilution is needed before using. Most find it easier to just mix it for a one shot working dilution right before use. A nice advantage when you use these liquid supplied developers is it is so easy to quickly get to your proper processing temperature. HC-110's selling points are ease of use, versatility, and reliability. The concentrate keeps for years; (4 to 5 years air tight).
All types of black-and-white film can be developed with HC-110, and results are consistent.
Where HC-110 really shines for me is with old outdated films, it gives surprisingly little base fog even with very prolonged development. Old films have their fair share of age fog and HC-110 gives me a better chance of a usable negative. Like Rodinal, HC-110 keeps very well and gives very reproducible results. It is a good choice when failure would be costly."
On mixing:
"HC-110 developer can be mixed two ways. Mix a stock from the concentrate, then mix a working solution from this stock or mix a working solution from the concentrate.
Since the concentrate has such a long shelf life, years, most people just mix to working solution. With HC110 you always develop with working solution, unlike some developers which can use both stock and working.
Developing Times
The first thing you will notice when looking up your developing times with HC-110 is there are many options, dilutions, these are referred to with alphabetic nomenclature. Dilution B is very popular, here is how it is mixed. Dilution B is mixed 1:31 for your working solution. One part syrup is mixed with 31 parts of water. Example, if I mixed 1 ounce of syrup I would add 31 ounces of water, this gives me 32 ounces of working solution, and if you mixed it at the proper temperature you are ready to go. If this is too much or too little for your film tank you can mix it by starting with the amount you need. Again this is from syrup, and we will work in milliliters, ml, this time. Dilution B is 1:31 added together is 32, 32 parts. If you need 300ml for your tank divided 300 ÷ 32. This is 9.375ml, your 1 unit, and 9.375 x 31 = 290.6 is your water units, thus added together is 300ml of Dilution B working solution. You should always use a minimum of 6 ml concentrate, even it it makes more than you need."
Storing your HC-110
Buy a bottle and fill with marbles as you use it or pour some into smaller bottles and cap then use out of only one until it's gone.
Crystals floating? Don't Panic!
Crystal chunks are no problem. Warm the bottle slightly, swirl around until they dissolve back into it. Don't want to wait? Strain them out with a coffee filter. Just remove or dissolve before diluting.