4x5 Sheet Film - FPP BW Neg Infrared Film - (25 Sheets)

  • $49.99

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4x5 - FPP BW Infrared Negative Film
200 ISO / 25 Sheets / (Thin) Polyester Base / Process: FPP-110


  • Film Cut - This film is hand cut to standard 4x5 size which is 100mm x 125mm. Since film is cut by hand, sheets, on occasion, may be subject to slight variations in size that may need trimming before fitting in your film holder. Purchase of this film is a final sale, and we will not accept returns or exchanges. 
  • Tabbing - Film is tabbed but may not have a traditional cut out - may have a hole punch or similar.

Test shots on this page by Mat Marrash / youtube.com/@MatMarrash

With its 700-850nm infrared range and 200 iso, this panchromatic, medium contrast / medium grain black and white film will produce extraordinary results with a r72 filter.

  • 700 – 850 nm infrared wavelength
  • Use r72 infrared filter in broad daylight for infrared effect (#25 red filter also an option for less dramatic effects)
  • Load in darkness (or very dim light)
  • After shooting keep your film exposed film away from light
  • Shoot iso 200 (without filter) for use as a standard, panchromatic BW film

Shoot in broad daylight with a r72 Infrared Filter for the most dramatic results. You will lose (approx.) 6 f-stops with a r72 filter (check your filter instruction to find out what the "filter factor" is). You can also use a 25A red and a polarizer ( or 87IR filter ) for much less dramatic results. Your results will depend on the amount of IR light in the air when you shoot. Your results will also vary based upon weather conditions.

We recommend sending your FPP BW Infrared film to thedarkroom.com for developing/scanning.

Additional Times:
HC-110 Dilution B - 7 min - 68 degrees Fahrenheit

Good luck shooting and as always...have fun!

Terms – With the rare exception of a film product recall, the Film Photography Project does not offer refunds or replacements. We feel it is important to bring your attention before making your purchase.

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