35mm Color Film - Kodak Vision1 500T (expired)

  • $7.99

Kodak Vision 5279 (1996 expired) 500T 35mm Film - Tungsten (Indoor Light) Balanced - 500 iso - DX Coded for iso 400 - 1 Roll / 24 exposures (some rolls may be 36 exp) / Process: ECN-2*

*NOTICE: This motion picture film is process ECN-2 and CAN NOT be processed by any standard commercial lab!

Download March 1996 Data Sheet HERE

Expired film  - may have "speed loss" and excessive color shifts. Note that film packaging may differ from film pictured.

Process at home using the FPP ECN-2 Kit
or send your film to
Blue Moon Camera & Machine
Portland, Oregon USA

New Hampshire USA

Botique Photo Lab
Mt Julliet Tennessee 

Why can't I process this film at my favorite C-41 lab? - Kodak's color motion picture films have an additional layer (on the shiny, not the emulsion side) called a "Rem Jet". Although technically this film can be processed C-41, this Rem Jet will foul commercial lab's equipment and there for can not be commercially processed. DO NOT BRING THIS FILM to a commercial lab or think you can "slip it through" - it will severely mess up their machines!!!!

What commercial lab will process my negs, scan and or print for me? - See links above.

How do I process this film at home with FPP's ECN-2 Kit?

In addition to the normal directions for home-processing please add the following step.

After your last step, rinse your film in a half bucket of hot water (80 - 102 degrees F). With your thumb, gently rub the non-emulsion side of your film as you remove it from your film reel. Careful not to scratch the emulsion side of your film. Final rinse under running water. You will see the black rem jet in your water as you rinse.

That's it! Hang your film to dry and then scan! Enjoy!!!

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