35mm BW Film - Jiangshi 400 (1 Roll)

  • $6.99

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35mm / 1 Roll / BW / 24 exp / 200 - 400 iso
 / DX Coded (400) / Process BW

A new, versatile BW negative film with wide exposure latitude made for general outdoor and studio photography. Jiangshi 400 is marketed as 400 iso; however, you may see better results when setting your shutter speed to 200.

Things to know:

  • Brand new emulsion not widely available in the U.S.

  • Test results show best results when shot at 200 iso

  • Possible emulsion imperfections including: emulsion pin-holes, possible light-leaks, other emulsion imperfections

Michael Raso from the Film Photography Podcast said: "We’ve all tried it here at the FPP and we feel “lucky” to have discovered this great, new emulsion!"

Develop, Scans & Prints - https://thedarkroom.com/

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