Darkroom Supplies - FPP Home Development Starter Kit (BW)
FPP Home Development Starter Kit (Black & White)
The folks at the Film Photography Project have been developing their own BW film since the college days. Now you can too at home!
Our kit will develop black and white negative film. (pick some up at our store!)
This starter kit includes everything you'll need to get started to develop your film. You will need table space and running water.
Included in this package:
- One - 1-Liter Packet FPP 76 Developer
- One - 1-Liter Packet FPP Fixer
- Two - 1-Liter Recycled Containers
- One Development Tank* (includes two reels)
- One Film Changing Bag
- One Thermometer
- One Measuring Beaker
- One Funnel
* The tank included will hold two 35mm (or 126 format) rolls of film or one roll 120 (or 620). The reel is also adjustable for one roll 127 sized film.
Not included but recommended:
- FPP Archival Permanent Wash. It will protect your final negatives and cut down (amazingly) on the amount of water needed for your final wash.
- FPP Foto Flow - This will reduce water marks on your final film.
- One Squeegee
Once developed you will need a scanner to scan your newly developed negatives. We recommend the Epson v800 (not included).
Q&A (with Michael Raso)
Q: Are the developer and fixer that come in the kit reusable? Also the instructions say to reference the Massive Development Chart online but I cannot find what this brand is and what the times are.
A: BW developer is used as either "stock solution" or "further dilutions"