Darkroom Supplies - Kodak Xtol BW Developer (5 Liters)
KODAK PROFESSIONAL X-TOL Developer is a two-part powder developer for processing normally exposed, pushed, or pulled black-and-white films.
2-Part Packet of Xtol powder to make 5 - LITERS (must be mixed at one time - please see suggestions below)
Tips on mixing - You will need a bucket that can hold a minimum of 5 liters and 5 1-liter containers.
- Add 3 liters of water to the bucket (The water should be at normal room temperature, about 65 to 85°F (18 to 30°C).)
- With stirring, slowly add PartA. Stir until the powder is completely dissolved. At this point, the solution may appear somewhat tawny or copper-colored. This is normal.
- Continue stirring, and slowly add PartB. Stir until the powder is completely dissolved. The coppery tint will clear from the solution as you add Part B.
- Add water to bring the final solution to 5 liters.
- Once fully mixed and uniform pour this stock solution into your series of 1-liter bottles (making 5 liters of stock solution). Make sure you squeeze out any extra air before capping.
Notes from Leslie Lazenby (Xtol is her favorite developer!) - "First and foremost is Kodak's Xtol, it's my go-to, it is suitable for nearly all b/w films. It gives me true box speed, fine grain and high sharpness. Xtol is a solvent developer, it produces fine grain by allowing silver to redistribute during development. This solvent action slightly reduces resolving power, the ability to discern 2 separate objects rather than a blur of the two. For a less solvent action make a working solution with Xtol 1:1 rather than undiluted stock. One of the advantages of this developer is it mixes with room temp water. It comes as a two part powder and not having to mix it at 125 degree allows me to use it sooner after mixing. When Michael Raso gets a new hand-rolled film in that doesn't have developing times I start with box speeds and Xtol. The disadvantage of Xtol may be more for the casual user than me, it's smallest unit makes 5 liters as packaged and sold in the US. This is not a developer to overuse or keep on the shelf a long time, it dies quickly without warning and it's an ugly death. I keep track of the rolls I've ran and the date I mixed it, it really is the best way to keep from having any failures. I am not one to find a false economy in extending chemistry, keeping track keeps my processing constant. This eliminates a variable when shooting different films or with different untested cameras."
Xtol Q&A with Leslie Lazenby
Q: Once mixed to the 5 1-liter bottles, do I put the 5 liters on my shelf and start using one at a time? (What's the shelf life of the undiluted, unused liter bottles?)
A: That's how I do it, I use one or two at a time. For me 3 are marked Xtol and the mix date.One is marked Reusable Stock and one marked Stock for Dilution. Those unused are good for at least 6 months, I am currently going on 8 months for mine.
Q: Do I use the stock solution to develop (68 degrees? How many minutes?) Can I pour the stock solution back in the 1 liter bottle after processing?
A: Reusable Stock is used right out of the bottle at 68 degrees, the time depends on the film. This bottle contents is used and put back in the bottle for re-use. Massive Dev Chart On-Line times refer to this as Stock when giving times.
Q: Should I use a diluted solution to process? (If so, what's the formula? After processing, chuck the diluted liquid)?
A: When I dilute it I only use from the Stock for Dilution bottle, I do not want to use previously used product. The only dilution Kodak recommends is 1:1 and yes this is chucked, one shot.