Darkroom Supplies - FPP 76 BW Film Developer - 1 Gallon (KODAK D-76 EQUIVALENT)
FPP76 BW Developer (Powder)
Compare to Kodak D-76 - Same quality! The Nice Price!
1 Packet of FPP-76 powder to make 1 - US Gallon
- FPP-76 ( D76 ) provides full emulsion speed and excellent shadow detail with normal contrast, and produces fine grain with a variety of continuous-tone black-and-white films.
- For greater sharpness, but with a slight increase in graininess, you can use a 1:1 dilution of this developer.
- It yields a long density range, and its development latitude allows push processing with relatively low fog.
- Yields full emulsion speed and good shadow detail with normal contrast.
- For general use.
- Moderately fine grain, excellent development latitude.
- For normal or push processing.
How to Mix your FPP76:
- Fill your 1 liter container with 1/2 liter of distilled water (100 degrees F)
- Carefully pour in your FPP 76 developer.
- Cap and gently shake. Let developer mix with water. Occasionally shake.
- 20 min later add rest of water to make 1 liter. Mix and use when all mixed.
- Let everything filly dissolve. This can take 2 - 4 hours
Q: I mixed up the FPP76 and it is not fully dissolving. Will this affect my film or the development process?
A: Make sure you mix the powder with the proper temperature water. Once mixed, shake very hour or so. It could take up to 4 hours to fully dissolve (and may not dissolve all flakes). This is normal.