Film Scanning Services - LomoKino Movie Maker 35mm Film Scanning

  • $20.00

FPP film scan services for your film shot with the LomoKino Movie Maker camera!

This scan service does not include film developing or external drive for files.

Note: If you need additional items (i.e. film or other FPP products), please order them separately. Any other items other than the scan services will result in your Scan being removed from your cart and refunded.

This service is for scanning of uncut roll (up to 36 exp) roll of film. Please only send us only uncut,  processed film. Please send an external drive with your order or purchase our FPP Thumb Drive.

Scan services take 1 - 3 weeks once you receive confirmation that we have received your film.

Your Steps after you place your order:

  • Download our LomoKino FILM FORM, print, fill out and send with your film. (Our address is on this form)
  • Send your processed, uncut LomoKino film to the address listed on the Film Form. The shipping fee in your shopping cart is for the return of your materials. You are responsible for shipping your materials to The FPP.
  • We will prep and scan your LomoKino movie at 12 frames per second and provide you with the resolution that you select. We will return your file along with your film uncut on a Kodak film core for storage.

FPP Steps:

  1. CHECK IN - We will email you upon check-in of your film, typically within a few business days of arrival but on occasion this may take longer.
  2. SERVICES - We will email you with your scan file download link upon completion of services. Please note that while film scanning color grading is performed by us at our facility.
  3. Turnaround - Turn around (once we check in your film) is approximately 2-3 weeks from start to finish.
  4. Film Return - We return your developed film to you once you have downloaded your file.


Above: Quick overview video. Below: Longer video featuring LomoKino commentary by Michael Raso and John Fedele.


Questions? Contact Michael Raso - Michael@FilmPhotographyProject.Com 

The fine print - When you submit your film assets to Film Photography Project (FPP) for scanning or handling of any kind you agree to the fullest extent of the law to  indemnify, defend, and hold harmless FPP, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers from and against all claims, losses, liabilities and damages of any kind, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, arising from or relating in any way to your use of our services, or any violation of these Terms, any law, or any rights of any third party, including when the active or passive negligence of  FPP is alleged or proven.

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