16mm Film - Double Perf - CINE16 BW X-Ray - ORTHO - 400 iso - 100 ft
Please read all of the information on this page before ordering as motion picture film is not returnable.
200 - 400 ISO / Orthochromatic / 100 ft Daylight Spool / Triacetate Base / High Contrast - High Grain / Process: D96
FPP 16mm BW X-Ray film is an orthochromatic (green sensitive) negative motion picture film. This film can be shot in both daylight and in tungsten lighting.
Neutral Density Filters - Due to the high ISO, it is recommended that you have a set of ND filters when shooting this film. See our video on using ND Filters HERE.
- ND2 Filter cuts 1 f-stop
- ND4 Filter cuts 2 f-stops
- ND8 Filter cuts 3 f-stops
Safe Light - Film can be safely loaded and handled under a 7w Red Safe Light.
This film when developed produces a film negative. Negative film must be scanned or printed. A negative can not be projected.
Cine 16 Double Perf is for all 16mm cameras that accept a 16mm 100 foot daylight spool. (This film will not work in 8mm Bolex or other 8mm cameras)
The Film Photography Project offers Develop/Scan services. Please only order these services when you're ready to ship your exposed film (and not in the same shopping cart as your film purchased).
Home developing times - ISO 400 - 68 degrees F
- Kodak D76 (or FPP 76) – 6 minutes at 68 degrees Fahrenheit
- Diafine - 5 min (both baths) - 70 degrees F
Terms – With the rare exception of a film product recall, user issues with film are a by-product of the deterioration of parts in the vintage cameras used to shoot the film. Even functioning and previously tested vintage cameras may experience motor film transport issues, film breakage, light leaks, over-and-under-exposure, and emulsion scratches. We feel it is important to bring your attention to these risks as we do not accept returns, offer replacement film or refunds on 16mm movie film.