35mm BW Film - Film Ferrania ORTO (1 Roll)

  • $12.99

Film Ferrania ORTO / 1 Roll / 35mm / 36 exp / ISO 50 / DX Coded / Process: Standard BW

Ferrania Orto embodies the same luxurious qualities as the Film Ferrania P30, with its high silver content and practically imperceptible grain. However, it is an entirely new product developed using modern chemicals to achieve a classic orthochromatic aesthetic. In the early days of silent cinema, films were sensitive to blue light, known as orthochromatic. Hollywood relied on cosmetics to "correct" the appearance of actors on-screen. A century later, the same "imperfections" that troubled our predecessors have become the artistic features sought after by contemporary orthochromatic films.

Shoot at box speed
We understand that modern films are very flexible, but Orto is based on a classic chemical formula that responds best when shot at the listed ISO of 50.

Shoot in Daylight
Orthochromatic film should only be shot in daylight. Avoid shooting in artificial light.

Make Your Own Scans
Our films are unique compared to most modern films. As a result, we have found that typical lab scanning can yield blocked-up hyper-contrasty images. If this happens to you, try scanning the negatives yourself for better results.

Enjoy It!
Our films are created to be enjoyed, not analyzed. For that reason, feel free to ignore the "rules" and do whatever you like. Share your results with us and if you have questions or comments, we are always available by email.

Development Guide

Ferrania Orto  is chemically similar to P30 and, as such, the development instructions are roughly the same.  Please understand that this is not a classic data sheet or dev chart, but a collection of best practices collected from users' feedback - and so it is subject to users' personal and evaluative tastes.

Kodak D-76 stock 20ºC/68ºF 8 - Small Tank: Continuous inversions, or roll tank back and forth Rotary Tank: Continuous rotation
Kodak D-76 stock 20ºC/68ºF - 7 Small Tank: Inversions for 10 seconds each minute Rotary Tank: Continuous rotation
Kodak D-96 stock 21ºC/70ºF 8 8 Small Tank: Continuous inversions, or roll tank back and forth Rotary Tank: Continuous rotation
HC 110 Dilution G 1:119 20ºC/68ºF 30-45 - Stand: This is for normal to low contast scenes. EI 50. 5 minute prewet at temp. Agitation 1st minute, one inversion each 5 seconds. Stand for remainder of time. Ideal for Scanning.
HC 110 Dilution G 1:119 20ºC/68ºF 30 - Stand: This is for high contrast scenes where you need to keep maximum highlight and shadow detal. EI 25 - 40. 5 minute prewet at temp. Agitation 1st minute, one inversion each 5 seconds. Stand for remainder of time. Ideal for Scanning
Diafine Stock 21ºC/70ºF 3+3 - Small Tank: standard Diafine Routine. Ideal for Scanning. Produces a slight speed increase to EI 64 / 80.
510 Pryo 1:500 21ºC/70ºF 60 - Stand: 5 minute prewet at temp. Agitation 1st minute, one inversion each 5 seconds. Stand for remainder of time. Usable EI 6 - 64 Ideal for Scanning
Barry Thorton Two-Bath Stock ~ 21ºC/70ºF 4+4 - Small Tank: As instructed, gentle agitation for 4 minutes in Bath A, no rinse, 4 minutes in Bath B - wash and fix as usual.
Bath A - Metol 6.5g / Sodium Sulphite 80g / Water to 1 litre • Bath B - Sodium Metaborate 12g / Water to 1 litre
Rodinal 1:50 20ºC/68ºF 14 - Small Tank: NO PRE WET. First 30 seconds two inversions per 5 seconds. Remainder of time 10 seconds of agitation per minute (4 inversions) till complete. Important: Gentle Agitation and keep the developer temp at 68F as heat and agitation causes grain to grow with rodinal. Best EI is 50
Ilford DD-X 1:5 20ºC/68ºF 7.5 - Rotary Tank: Continuous rotation with 5 Minute prewet. EI is a solid 50 but has a range I am sure down to 32 and out to near 80/100 on a good scanner.
Ilford DD-X 1:5 20ºC/68ºF 8.5 - Small Tank: 1 minute Pre Wet at temp. Continuous inversion for first 30 seconds, two inversions each five seconds. For remainder of time 10 per minute (4 inversions). EI similar to JOBO with a very solid EI 50.

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