120 BW Film - WolfMan 100 (1 Roll)

  • $10.99

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1 Roll / 120 / BW / 100 iso / Process BW

Get that Classic BW look with Wolf man 120 from the Film Photography Project!

Our new panchromatic BW film delivers great tonal range, processes standard BW and fits beautifully into all 120 cameras from Holgas to Twin Lens Reflex. It’s the same great look of our FPP BW 16mm movie film, now available for still photography.

Film Photography Project’s Wolfman –120 it’s a howling success any time of the year!

WolfMan (same as our FPP Cine 16 bw 100 Negative) is a black-and-white negative film (triacetate base) with medium to low grain and high resolving power. Film has a speed rating of ISO 100. 

Developing Info:
You can process yourself or send it out to our fav lab TheDarkroom.com!

Kodak D76 - Stock Solution / 68° Fahrenheit / 6-7 min

FPP D96 - Stock solution / 68° Fahrenheit / 7 minutes

Kodak HC-110 - Dilution B / 68° Fahrenheit / 6 minutes or Dilution H (1+63) for 12 minutes

Kodak X-Tol - Stock solution / 68° Fahrenheit / 5-6 minutes

Sprint Standard - Dilution 1-9 / 8.5 minutes / 68° Fahrenheit

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