35mm BW Film - Film Ferrania P33 (1 Roll)

  • $12.99

Film Ferrania P33
1 Roll / 35mm / 36 exp / ISO 160 / Process: Standard BW

Ferrania P33 is a panchromatic B&W 160iso film designed from scratch by Italian manufacture, Film Ferrania.  This film has fine grain, medium contrast, and beautifully smooth tones, making it ideal for portraiture.  With its 160 iso and medium contrast it’s ideal for daylight photography -  landscapes, architecture, and street photography.  The high exposure latitude produces great shadow detail, making it a very forgiving film.  If you’d like to learn more about this film, she sure to check out TheDarkRoom.com's P33 blog where they compare it side by side to other B&W films!

Development - TheDarkRoom.com or any commercial lab can develop Ferrania P33. Home developing? Download the development chart HERE.


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