35mm BW Film - FPP Sonic 25 BW Film (1 Roll)

  • $9.99

Sonic25 35mm High Contrast / Fine Grain BW Film
One Roll / iso 25 / 24 exposures / DX Coded

This is an high contrast, fine grained Orthochromatic motion picture film for shooting in daylight or with daylight balanced lights.

This unique, high contrast, extremely fine-grained blue sensitive film was manufactured for optical sound recording but will produce stunningly fine-grain images when using for pictoral images in your still camera. Expect high contrast and a slight glow and because it is an ortho film and not all tones will record the same as a normal panchromatic film.

Recommended developers are FPP D96, HC-110 or Fine Grain TD-3 Developer.  (Scroll down for development times)

above: photo by Mac MacDonald  - https://www.instagram.com/macshootsfilm/ / Below: Image by Leslie Lazenby

Sonic 25 is a great choice when shooting in daylight or with daylight balanced lights, delivering a unique tonal range that will render red light as darker giving a different look from traditional Panchromatic films.

Due to its high contrast, a bounce card or fill-flash is recommended on portrait subjects.


Development Info:
TD-3 is 20 minutes, 68 degrees, regular TD3 agitation
HC(FPP) 110 Dilution H. 11 minutes @68 degrees, normal agitation. 
D96 stock, 8 minutes @68 degrees, regular agitation. 
Xtol stock, 6.5 minutes @ 68 degrees, do not recommend, too much base fog.
D76 stock, 12 minutes @ 68 degrees, do not recommend,  too much base fog.

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