Film Scanning Services - Polavision Scanning (1 Roll)

Film Scanning Services - Polavision Scanning (1 Roll)

  • $25.00

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FPP film scan services for your Polavision Home Movie Cartridges. 

Many folks have Polavision cartridges but can no longer  view the cartridges on 
now defunct players. The solution is retrieval and scanning to a modern digital format to save your priceless home movies. The FPP is at your service!

Your Polavision rolls must already be developed in order for us to extract the film and scan it. Unsure? Send Michae Raso an email with your questions (please include photos of what you have) -

IMPORTANT - In order to scan your Polavision film, the film must be extracted from the cartridge. Once extracted, the original Polavision cartridge will be discarded (as it has been dissembled). The extracted film is placed on a traditional Super 8 50 ft reel for scanning.  Services are non-refundable and we can not guarantee success. Many times the latent images on your film have been lost to time and storage. If you wish to proceed, please follow the steps below.

Your Steps:

  • Download our SCAN FILM FORM. Print, fill out and include with your film. Our address is on the form. Remember to place your order via this page before mailing your film.
  • Send your processed film along with one USB thumb drive to The FPP. A 128 gb drive is recommended for HD output. If you don’t have a thumb drive, you can purchase one from The FPP here. The shipping fee in your shopping cart is for the return of your materials. You are responsible for shipping your materials to The FPP.

FPP Steps (once we receive your film):

  • Film Retrieval - We will retrieve the 8mm film from your Polavision cartridge, clean it and place it on a 8mm reel. 
  • Color Grading – With the original Polavision Instant Color Home Movie System, used cassettes were processed in the Polavision Processor and Viewer with no option to adjust for exposure or other issues after the fact – each piece in the proprietary system relied upon the other two. A frequent complaint about the system at the time was that the images appeared dark or muddy, a result of the color-upon-black-and-white emulsion formula that allowed swift and easy processing. To combat this, we color corrected the film using our DaVinci Resolve color grading system – and the results are dramatic!
  • What we return to you - After scanning your film, we will return your original film (now on a reel) with your scans. The empty Polavision Cartridge will be discarded unless otherwise directed. 

above: Recovered Polavision image

above: Priceless memories recovered by The FPP.

The fine print - When you submit your film assets to Film Photography Project (FPP) for scanning or handling of any kind you agree to the fullest extent of the law to  indemnify, defend, and hold harmless FPP, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers from and against all claims, losses, liabilities and damages of any kind, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, arising from or relating in any way to your use of our services, or any violation of these Terms, any law, or any rights of any third party, including when the active or passive negligence of  FPP is alleged or proven.

Sh*t Happens - Your media is very important to you, and we take every precaution to ensure the safety of your film while they are at our facility.  However, sometimes the unpredictable happens during shipping to and from our facility, or while a service is being provided.  Our commitment to you, is that if any item is lost or damaged by us while at our facility, we will replace it with an item of equivalent amount.  To ensure you are protected above and beyond our replacement of the raw materials, we strongly suggest you acquire insurance.  To ensure you are protected during the shipping of the items, please insure your packages. We can not replace the value of items that are lost in transit.

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