35mm BW Bulk Roll (100 ft) - Kodak Fine Grain 2366 BW

  • $89.99

The Film Photography Project is happy to offer 35mm film in convenient hand-rolled 30.5m (100 ft) rolls (on core) - ISO 6 - Process: BW

For bulk film loaders that accept 100 ft rolls of film

EASTMAN Fine Grain Duplicating Positive Film 2366 (35mm) is a low-speed blue sensitive duplicating film is highly sought to shoot in still cameras and was originally intended for making master positives from black-and white camera negatives. When using in your 35mm camera this film will produce a film negative.

 above shot: Canon EOS 10s camera / Tokina 11 - 16mm f2.8 EF lens / 1/10th sec - f2.8 / Home-processed in Kodak Technidol

This blue-sensitive* black-and-white film has very high resolution and incorporates a yellow dye, which is removed during processing, to provide very high sharpness.

THe recommended developer is TD-3. This film can also be developed Standard BW like Kodak D76, HC-110, Ektol and others. This film can also be commercially processed by The Darkroom and other commercial labs that process black and white film.

How do I meter for asa 6? You must dial the asa manually into your camera or meter. If you camera can't be set to asa 6, you can dial in asa 25 and open up your lens by two f-stops.

Blue Sensitive films need to be shot in daylight or using a flash/strobe. Avoid using a yellow filter or shooting in tungsten (indoor) light.

above shot by Leslie Lazenby Fine Grain 2366 shot at asa 12 with Nikon FE2, Nikkor 50 mm 1/4 Processed in Kodak Xtol, 1:1, 68 degrees, 10 minutes, 5/5.

Our 100 foot bulk rolls are for personal use, not re-selling. Sales of individual rolls from FPP bulk rolls is prohibited.

Keep your film Light Tight! This film stock is subject to "light piping" when exposed to room light. Please load in dim light and store in a dark camera bag before and after shooting. If storing your film in fridge, freezer or home shelf, store in a light tight bag as well. What is light piping? Read our blog by Leslie Lazenby. Film Washi is an experimental film. Your results are not guaranteed.

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