35mm Film Camera - RETO Ultra Wide & Slim Camera + Film COMBO (Slate Blue)

  • $34.99

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ULTRA WIDE & SLIM 35mm Camera / Film COMBO


  • Ultra Wide & Slim Camera (Slate Blue)
  • One roll FPP Color 125 35mm Color Film (24 exposures)

This all mechanical / all plastic UW&S camera uses 35mm film and has no electronics or need for a battery to function! With a fixed f11 aperture and a w-i-d-e 22mm lens, the camera delivers gorgeous lo-fi pictures! 100 - 200 iso film is recommended for use in daylight. This COMBO includes one roll of FPP Color 125 film!

    Photographer Brian Moore submitted this review:

    It’s light as a feather this thing. And that’s with a roll of film in it. The focal length is wide enough at 22mm that you don’t always feel the need to compose through the viewfinder. Indeed, you’ll get a lot in the frame with its W-I-D-E 22mm lens!

    Picture Quality
    I’ve loved the results. The vignette and lens flair can be quite pronounced, and under the right conditions the saturated colors are very pleasant indeed. I haven’t shot any slide film yet, but I expect more color saturation when I do. With a fixed aperture of f11, the Ultra Wide & Slim needs good light to produce its best images. ISO 200 film is probably best all round, although you could shoot 100 speed with decent results if you have bright daylight. 

    I have a bad habit of trying to squeeze an extra frame in when I get to the end of a film roll. I’ve read, however, that this was a major cause of transfer mechanism failure. Not worth the extra frame for a broken camera

    The lens on this camera is w-i-d-e, so keep your fingers back when you’re snapping a picture. If you wrap them around the front of the camera when you hold it you’re liable to feature a knuckle or two in the final image.

    There’s no “bulb” mode nor is there a flash sync.

    Although the lens is recessed, it’s always exposed to the elements. Use the camera long enough and it’s going to get scratched or marred in some way, so do take precautions to protect it.

    It’s only a daylight shooter and, being plastic, you should plan to handle it carefully if you want it to live a long life. On the other hand, you can expect good color from the images, as well as vignetting, flair and some pleasant distortion. If you want interesting images from a simple, go anywhere, no hassle camera (and who doesn’t?), the Wide and Slim is for you!


    • Please handle camera carefully. Camera can easily break if you FORCE rewind your film. If you do, it will BREAK. This item is not returnable.
    • Do not advance your film past the number of exposures. Doing so will jam your camera making rewinding difficult.

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