116 / 616 Bulk Film - 65mm IMAX Kodak Vision3 50D (for DIY rolling)

  • $110.99

Kodak Vision3 50D 65mm double perforated color film
50 foot roll (on lab core) / Daylight Balanced / 50 ISO / Process ECN-2
Eastman Kodak Fresh - Prepared by Film Photography Project

Yields approx. 13 hand rolled 116 or 616 rolls per 50 ft bulk roll.

NOTE: White box containing film is to be opened in total darkness. Film is to be handled in total darkness.

Please READ ALL info on this page before purchasing this film. Note: This item is cut to order and is NOT RETURNABLE. To our knowledge, film will not fit in 70mm Hassleblad back. UPDATE: Customer writes: "this is usable in Hasselblads with a small modification to the back and aftermarket spools to fit 65mm fill in a standard 70mm daylight cassette" This information has not been verified by the Film Photography Project. Film not returnable.

What you will need
You will need a 116 or 616 film spool (depending on what camera you have) as well as backing paper and some paper tape. In a completely dark room you will need to cut and roll your film. (See video below)

Processing Info
This film is process ECN2. Blue Moon Camera in Portland Oregon is the recommended lab to process and scan this film. It can also be home processed using our FPP color negative kit. If home processing, you will need a 116 sized (70mm) film tank or DIY-it in a bucket.


FPP customer asks:
Q: I saw that it is 65mm film; correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't 116/616 70mm? What is 65mm film used for?

A: It's 65mm motion picture film. Yes, 116/616 is 70mm wide. 65mm will fit nicely in the 116/616 backing paper.

Q: How many rolls should it give me total?

A: You can roll approx. 13 rolls of 116 or 616 film with our 50 ft bulk roll.

Q: I'm also interested in when it expired, and if I should rate it at a different iso.

A: Kodak motion picture films are not stamped with an expiration date. This is new, fresh film and is stored cold. Rate it at "box speed" - 50 iso - perfect film for shooting in your Kodak 116 or 616 camera.

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