Double 8 Film - Magazine 8 Film

Double 8 Film - Magazine 8 Film

  • $74.99

Double 8 Magazine Film
For Double 8 cameras that accept Kodak Magazines only.

Due to the limited availability of Magazine 8 format film, we are currently limiting orders to one roll per customer per month. Thank you for your understanding.

Please read all the terms (listed below) before purchasing.

Purchase is for film only. Develop/Scanning for Magazine 8 can be purchased here. Please order Develop / Scan services when you are through shooting your magazine. Do not order any develop/scan service in the same cart as your film.

Does the Magazine come with a warranty or guarantee? No. Although we take great care in calibrating and reloading the magazine with fresh film, it is not uncommon for magazines to jam. Also, vintage camera motors may fail or no longer have enough "torque" to pull the film through the magazine. Therefore, we cannot offer any guarantees, warranty, or money back if a magazine breaks or fails during filming. 

This film is for Double 8 (8mm) cameras that accept Magazine film only. This cartridge will NOT fit Super 8, Single 8, Bell & Howell plastic cartridge cameras, 16mm or other cameras that need a proprietary cartridge. If you are not sure, e-mail us - – a pic of your camera film compartment & model number before making purchase as we do not accept returns on movie film.

Please use the drop-down to choose type of film. We reserve the right to limit the number of rolls you purchase.

  • BW Reversal 40 iso
  • Color Negative 40 iso (Daylight Balanced)
  • Color Reversal 100D (Daylight Balanced) Note that 100 iso film is "fast" for daylight shooting. Consider placing a ND (neutral density) filter over your lens if shooting in broad sun. (See video)

    Difference between NEGATIVE and REVERSAL FILM:

    • Negative film is returned to you un-slit (on a core) for safe storage along with your scan. Negative film can not be projected.
    • Reversal film is for projection or scanning. It is developed, slit and scanned - returned to you on a 50 ft 8mm reel.



    Terms – With the rare exception of a film product recall, user issues with film are a by-product of the deterioration of parts in the vintage cameras used to shoot the film. Even functioning and previously tested vintage cameras may experience motor film transport issues, film breakage, light leaks, over-and-under-exposure, and emulsion scratches. We feel it is important to bring your attention to these risks as we do not accept returns, offer replacement film or refunds on 8mm movie film. 

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