Film Scanning Services - 16mm / 35mm (100 ft rolls)
FPP film scan services for your 16mm and Super 16 film
We scan any 16mm, Super 16 or 35mm - color or BW - negative or positive. Sound or silent.
This service is for film that is already developed. If you need developing + scanning please CLICK THROUGH to our 16mm Process/Scan page.
- Download our SCAN FILM FORM. Print, fill out and include with your film. Our address is on the form. Remember to place your order via this page before mailing your film.
- Send your processed film along with one USB thumb drive to The FPP. 128gb drive is recommended for HD output for 100 feet. If you don’t have a thumb drive, you can purchase one from The FPP here. The shipping fee in your shopping cart is for the return of your materials. You are responsible for shipping your materials to The FPP.
Our handy drop down (choose quantity tab "add-to-cart" above) is based on each 100 foot roll of film you send for scanning.
Price includes:
- Film prep
- Film cleaning
- Film scan (best light) - We scan your film to your specs - 16x9 Full Frame (Super 16) or 4x3 pillar boxed (16mm). By scanning 16x9 full frame, with standard 16mm, you will be able to see all of the image on your film including the film sprockets.
- Choose Output (using the drop down when ordering) > HD (1920x1080), 2k (2048x1556) or 4k (4096x3112) resolution.
We can scan 35mm, standard 16mm, Super 16 or Ultra 16. By default we scan the entire frame including sprockets. If you'd like your film matted a certain way (i.e. pillar boxed or letter boxed), let us know.
Feature film project? Contact Michael Raso - Michael@FilmPhgotographyProject.com
The fine print - When you submit your film assets to Film Photography Project (FPP) for scanning or handling of any kind you agree to the fullest extent of the law to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless FPP, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers from and against all claims, losses, liabilities and damages of any kind, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, arising from or relating in any way to your use of our services, or any violation of these Terms, any law, or any rights of any third party, including when the active or passive negligence of FPP is alleged or proven.