Video Tape Encoding Services - (60 Min)
Introducing FPP video tape encoding services for your vintage 3/4" U-Matic or (VHS, BetaMax, BetaCam and other format) tapes.
Please choose quantity amounts based upon 60 minute increments. (1 item - 60 minute minimum regardless of tape run time).
Price includes:
- Encode to file
- Output to standard definition Apple Pro Res file + H.264 .mp4 file to a USB thumb drive (that you supply)
If you have any questions please e-mail Michael Raso - Michael@FilmPhotographyProject.com
Proper storage can help prolong the life of vintage media formats; however, no format will last indefinitely. If the age, storage conditions and wear-and-tear of your tapes and tape decks have compromised the tape itself, we cannot guarantee we will be able to capture the images and sound contained on it regardless of the superb condition of our machines and skill of our technicians. We are not responsible for tapes that break or crumble due to handling. Should we run into any problems, we will immediately contact you with our recommendations.
What to do:
- Place order via this page (or contact Michael Raso direct with questions - Michael@FilmPhotographyProject.com)
- Send your tape(s) along with your order number and one USB thumb/hard drive to The FPP. (A 128gb drive is recommended. If you don’t have a thumb drive, you can purchase one from The FPP here.) The shipping fee in your shopping cart is for the return of your materials. You are responsible for shipping your materials to The FPP.
Ship to via Postal Service:
Film Photography Project
attn: Video Tape Encoding
PO Box 264
Fair Lawn NJ 07410
If you are using UPS, FedEx or DHL please ship to our street address.
Film Photography Project
attn: Video Tape Encoding
20-10 Maple Ave., Bldg 35D
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
The fine print - When you submit your tape assets to Film Photography Project (FPP) for scanning or handling of any kind you agree to the fullest extent of the law to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless FPP, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers from and against all claims, losses, liabilities and damages of any kind, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, arising from or relating in any way to your use of our services, or any violation of these Terms, any law, or any rights of any third party, including when the active or passive negligence of FPP is alleged or proven.