Adapter - 35mm to 620 Film Adapter Kit / Sprockets!
35mm to 620 Film Adapter! Shoot Sprockets!
Please read all the info and purchase terms on this page before purchasing.
This Deluxe Film Adapter Kit lets you load 35mm film in cameras made for the 620 film. With 35mm film in a 620 film camera you’ll get panoramic-format photographs with different sizes depending on your camera’s frame size.
Includes TWO Set Adapters - you can use included 35mm Cartridges as take-up (only in some cameras)!
- TWO - 2-part adapter for your 35mm film canisters
- 1 620 take-up spool
- 5 empty 35mm canisters (You can buy extra empty 35mm cartridges HERE.)
- 1 detailed instructions paper
Please read all the info on this page before purchasing. Adapters designed for simple box cameras like the Kodak Hawkeye 620 and other simple cameras.
Adapters are very sturdy - do not force them or use the wrong end. Adapters are not refundable and we will not replace adapters that are broken.
35mm to 620 Take-Up Spool (Note some cameras may not be able to accommodate 35mm cartridge as take-up). Use THIS OPTION for MOST cameras.
above: By using one set adapters allows you to use a 620 spool as take-up.
If you use this method:
- You will need to tape up the window on the back of your camera so you do not get light leaks.
- The take-up spool is a 620 spool so you will have to unload the camera in a dark room or black bag (rewinding the film back into its 35mm cartridge.)
- If a trusted lab like TheDarkroom is processing / scanning your film, you will have to select SPROCKETS as an option when ordering scans.
35mm to 35mm Take-Up Spool using both sets of adapters.
above: Using two set adapters method
The eliminates the need to use a darkroom to change film! You will need a small pair of scissors. Remember to tape up the window on the back of your camera!
Above photo by Santi Navarro from the FPP Flickr Group.
There are many formats and standards in the 620 film world - cameras that have different frame sizes. With 35mm film in a medium format camera you’ll get panoramic-format photographs with a size of about…
— 3,5x6cm in 6×6 cameras
— 3,5x7cm in 6×7 cameras
— 3,5x9cm in 6×9 cameras
— 3,5x17cm with panoramic cameras
The larger the frame, the fewer the pictures will result from a roll of 35mm film. Another variable is the length of the film: the 135 film can have 12, 24, 27, 36 exposures or even more in case of manual bulk respoolings… On a 6×7 camera, a 24 exposures film will give you circa 12 photos 35x70mm. 36 exposures film will give you about 18 photos depending on the type of camera.
Please read the detailed instructions enclosed with your kit. Happy Shooting!
OPERATING CONDITIONS: If your camera has not been used for a long time, check that its mechanisms are still smooth.
BE CAREFUL: abandoned camera cranks can become very tight. If the rotation is hard, it means that something is blocking it. It is always a good idea to load an empty roll of film in place of the take-up spool and try some rotations to make sure that the spool turns flawlessly. If the winding are difficult, then there is a problem that could damage the camera. Kits come as-is and without warranty. Wrong or abnormal use can damage your cameras or films and cause breakage in kits components.
Recommended 35mm Films to use with your new Adapters:
- FPP Svema Color 125
- Kodak Gold 200 Color
- Kodak ColorPlus 200
- Kodak Ektachrome
- Kodak Porta 160 Color
- FPP BW 100
- Eastman Double-X BW
- Tasma NK-II 100 BW
- FPP LOVE 200 BW Film
- FPP Let It Snow 100 BW
NOTE: Please read instructions. Forcing the adapter on the wrong part of your 35mm cartridge will result in breakage. This adapter is non-refundable.